Read firsthand about how ROAD iD makes a real difference in real peoples’ lives.
I was dragged 40 feet and pinned under a truck...
I was involved in an accident while riding my bike. I was run over, dragged 40 feet and pinned under a truck. My injuries were very severe and I was not expected to live. When the people that came ...
So thankful for her helmet and her Road ID...
My daughter was participating in a criterium race for her university cycling team when she was in a serious crash. I'm so thankful for her helmet (which is cracked) and her Road ID. She was quickly...
Make sure you wear a helmet and a Road ID!
My son Kyle had a bike accident that landed him in the hospital for 2 days. A Good Samaritan witnessed his fall and called 911 and because Kyle was wearing his Road ID, they were able to contact hi...
I was just walking my dog on a country road...
You never know when the unexpected might happen. I never thought anything "extreme" would happen to me. I was just 17 years old, walking my dog on a country road, when I was struck by a car and my ...
I NEVER take off my Road ID!
Earlier this year, I was out trail running with my friend and I suffered from a pulmonary embolism. Four blood clots were found - one in the lung - I suffered severe kidney and oxygen failure. I wa...
There was no time to react...
Both my husband, Terry, and I wear our Road IDs all the time. While training, a few weeks before a race, he and three friends went out to do a ride/run brick. As they were leaving thee starting po...
Carrying a cellphone doesn't get the job done!
While riding my road bike on a 40 mile trip, preparing for a big race, I fell off at mile 31. I hit my head (yes, had a helmet on!) and broke my right pelvis and my left thumb. I lost consciousness...
A stranger called to say my husband had crashed...
My husband wears his FIXX ID when he rides his bike. One side of it has his name and emergency contact information. During a ride, he rode around a curve in the road, looked down and met the back o...
I was knocked unconscious in the impact...
I was unfortunate enough to be involved in a road accident while out for a training cycle. I was hit head on by a car and thankfully, as I have done for the last number of years, I was wearing my R...
My heart stopped during my run...
I was out for a morning 8.5 mile run and only 3 blocks from returning home when my heart suddenly stopped. Two walkers saw me fall and immediately came to my rescue. When paramedics arrived they ha...
My husband was at the scene in minutes...
A short time ago, I went out for a mid-morning run near my office building. As I was crossing a street, I was struck by a car. I didn't know it yet, but I had suffered fractures to my left tibia an...
I was in so much pain that I couldn't talk...
A woman I knew saw me go down and called 911. When they arrived, I was in so much pain that it was hard to give the emergency responders my complete information or reach my cell phone in my jersey ...
I was t-boned by a car while on my motorcycle!
Your product was put to great use recently as a result of a significant motorcycle accident. I live in Oregon and often ride solo in remote regions so I've taken to wearing my Road ID on all my rid...
My Road ID is as important as my helmet!
While my wife and I were out for a ride, I was struck by a hit-and-run driver. Though I had multiple injuries, thank God that none of them were life-threatening. The clavicle and scapula in my left...
I wanted to ensure my family could be contacted...
I have been a State Trooper for more than 25 years. All too often, when responding to a serious traffic accident or medical emergency, contacting family members is problematic and time-consuming. A...
The Road ID App told my wife I was in trouble...
While riding my bicycle, I was hit by a pickup truck making an illegal turn at a roundabout. I was less than a mile from home, but didn't have the whereabouts to call my wife to let her know what ...
Only my Road was still functioning...
While wearing my Road ID, I was involved in an a cycling accident. Among others injuries, the accident caused a concussion, amnesia, punctured lung, broken ribs, and muscles to rip out of my neck a...
I knew my Road ID was my only chance....
After a workout at our local YMCA, I collapsed from a potassium drop and was rapidly becoming paralyzed. Of course, the only thing I was wearing at the time was my Road ID and my wedding ring! By t...
I was incoherent, but Road ID spoke for me
Ironically, I had to use my ID while we were on vacation when I got sick, so much so that I was rushed to the ER. I couldn't speak coherently when the nurse asked if I had allergies, so I simply po...
I woke up in the hospital with broken bones
Although the accident was witnessed and an ambulance called, the app alerted my boyfriend via the stationary alert. My boyfriend called, and the paramedics were able to confirm my information and t...
I woke up in the hospital confused
I was riding in NYC one glorious September morning, when the next thing I knew, I was lying in a hospital bed, waking up to the confusing site of my daughter and two nieces standing in a darkened r...
When he saw my Road ID he knew exactly what to do
Luckily, the man who answered the door was a Colorado Springs Police Officer. When I showed him my Road ID, he knew exactly what it was and called my emergency numbers and an ambulance
We were struck from behind by an SUV
I have worn a Road ID for years and recently started using your Road ID eCrumb App. My son and I were out riding recently (my son in a tag-along trailer) and while waiting to make a turn, we were s...
My helmet and Road ID saved my life...
Next thing I knew I was dripping blood, in and out of consciousness on the pavement. People gathered all around me. Thankfully, I was wearing Road ID, my wife and an ambulance were called immediate...
I was in so much pain I couldn't talk...
By the time EMS showed up, I was in so much pain I could hardly talk. My friend handed my Road ID to the EMS guys and one of them said "I love these things." They used my ID to retrieve the info th...
I could have died...
I was rushed to the hospital where the ER Nurses used my Road ID to access my Emergency Response Profile! It was wonderful knowing the doctors had everything they needed for me.
A crowd gathered to protect me...
I was out for a run in downtown Columbus, and while crossing a busy five lane intersection (in the cross-walk, with the walk signal), I was hit by a truck on my right side. Instead of hitting the b...
I awoke three weeks later...
A year ago today, I was out cycling. I then awoke THREE weeks later in the hospital to discover that I had crashed and suffered a traumatic brain injury. Apparently, the only contact I made with th...
I was shaken up and having trouble breathing...
I was shaken up and was having trouble breathing. A nice woman stopped to ask if I was okay, and I had enough strength and wherewithal to direct her to my Road ID, which she used to relay my info ...
EMTs used it to contact my family...
I am a recent victim of a hit-and-run accident. As always, I was wearing my Road ID, which was used by the EMTs to quickly contact my wife and family.
The driver didn't stop...
I now have a Road ID and wear it at all times. First responders have used it to contact my doctor and inform him that I was unresponsive and being transported to the ER.
I received life saving treatment immediately...
I immediately drove to the ER and was unable to communicate verbally upon arrival. The triage staff noticed my Road ID, read my info and were able to determine I was suffering from right-sided hear...
His Road ID provided the info needed...
His Road ID provided the information needed to contact us and treat him properly.
I was attacked while out on a run...
I installed the Road ID App and was ready to give it a test while out on a run. I listed my ex-fiance, mom, and sister as my emergency contacts, and sent them an eCrumb so they could track me on th...
But I never thought I would need it...
When I received my first Road ID, I thought it was a great idea, but I never thought I would need it. Well, I was in Virginia this past year for a ride and found myself in the hospital. I was uncon...
Road ID spoke for me...
I was out cycling with a friend when I was hit by a truck and thrown to the road unconscious. My friend immediately called 911 and used my Road ID to contact my wife. The paramedics also used my ID...
Providing us peace of mind
My Road ID came in handy recently when I was stung by a bee during the bike portion of a race. Using my ID, the EMTs were able to gather my vital info while I received treatment. Another time, I wa...
Not just for bikers and runners
I have a big thank you for Road ID. I purchased an ID for my dad a couple of years ago because he has epilepsy. He's not a runner or cyclist, but he's a golfer and gardener, and is always out and a...
My friend had a medical emergency...
My friend experienced a severe medical emergency while we were mountain biking. We used his Road ID to contact his family members, who were able to meet him at the hospital.
My wife was reached right away...
After a cycling crash last month, my wife was able to be reached right away because of my Road ID. Thank you for making a highly visible ID where emergency contacts can be listed. Hopefully, I'll n...
While on a group ride...
While on a group ride, the rider in front of me had a seizure and wrecked. Thanks to his Road ID, we were able to notify his emergency contacts and first responders were informed of his pre-existin...
The bike stopped, but I kept going...
The brakes were hit and the bike stopped, but I kept going. After being unresponsive for 20 minutes, I learned I had face planted and ruined my helmet. Because of my Road ID, I did not have to answ...
I missed the car by inches...
I slammed on my breaks and just missed the car by inches. I fell over in the middle of the road and cars pulled over to make sure I was okay. Laying there on the ground, I realized that if I had be...
I am grateful to walk away...
I was hit by a car last night, and while I am sore today, I am grateful that I was able to walk away. Two police cars and a fire engine arrived on the scene and used my Road ID as identification. T...
Why I wear Road ID...
I purchased a Road ID years ago after a friend fell and had a seizure while we were out on a long run. Her emergency contacts, blood type, and allergies were immediately available, and she was able...
First responders went straight to my ID...
You guys are awesome! My Road ID has come in handy a couple of times over the last few years.A while back I had a panic attack which almost caused me to have a stroke. My Road ID gave the EMTs all ...
I was stung by a bee...
During firefighting training I got stung by a bee, which I am highly allergic to. My fire crew helped to treat the allergic reaction while my captain used my Road ID to contact my wife and let her ...
I didn't consider running a 'contact sport'...
I will never run without Road ID again, and have already told my friends not to run anonymously. I didn't consider running a 'contact sport' until now, but I will feel safer in the future wearing ...