Read firsthand about how ROAD iD makes a real difference in real peoples’ lives.
Didn't see a deep "sewer" cover and hit it!
I was on a bicycle tour in Italy last summer. Near the end of our 30 mile ride, I didn't see a deep "sewer" cover and hit it, my tire caught on it, my bike flipped and went flying headfirst over th...
Paramedics already had my emergency contacts on the line
This is my second RoadId that I've purchased over the years, the first one, if memory serves me correct, was damaged after I was hit by a vehicle on my bike in Texas a few years ago, and due to a m...
6 broken ribs
Ed, in August 2012 as I was riding my Vespa across a stop light intersection, a red light running pickup truck hit me broadside!
Responders were able to reach me
My cycling husband was in a serious accident 6 years ago and because of his Road ID responders were able to reach me.
I started really cycling in college
I started really cycling in college and co-founded a club at the University of Nevada, Reno. I chaired a bike a thon, chaired the Reno Bike Council. Briefly raced in my 20s.
My RoadID helped the EMT's get information
My wife appreciates the app. I was hit by a hit-n-run driver in November of '17 and then did a face plant going downhill in February of '18
Fortunately she was wearing her Road ID bracelet
The outside temperature was 97 degrees and she had gone without a hat, sunglasses or water. I looked in the neighborhood for a frantic hour or so when my mobile phone rang.
Has saved me when I've been lying on the pavement
Awesome product and keep up the good work.
I've updated my ID once again and love it!
I've updated my ID once again and love it! I also came up with Double Century badge and am ready happy I was able to!!
He landed face down in the street unconscious...
Road ID for such a great product. We believed in your product so much that we bought everyone in our family a band for Christmas last year.
Our son had a seizure while away from home
This product is a lifesaver! We purchased Road ID as a medical bracelet for our 12 year old son who has epilepsy. As he is becoming more independent, he has a higher chance to have a seizure when w...
I've never blacked out before in over 40 yrs of cycling
I've worn your road ID for a few years now. Less than 2 weeks ago I crashed my bicycle, blacked out and came to while in the ambulance on the way to the ER. They used my road ID info to call my son...
I'm a paralympic cyclist because of my injuries
I was hit directly from behind by a pickup truck while cycling when I lived in Lousyana...oops, I mean, Louisiana. Long story short, I was life-flighted out of there. I ended up with 4 cracked ribs...
Big tires, no gears, coaster brakes
In Oklahoma where I grew up, I cycled but not on pavement. Big tires, no gears, coaster brakes. Then when I married in 1982, we honeymoon in the lake district with panniers for 2 weeks. Then we tra...
I took a bad spill in an event and you were called by the ER at my request. They were really impressed.
I had a bike accident on rough roads when we should not have been in such an aggressive paceline. Lesson learned.
Road ID made my experience seamless
Recently, I was in a cycling accident and broke my hip. I fell off my bike at a high speed going down a hill. I had brake to avoid an on coming cyclist and flipped over my handlebars, landing on m...