Read firsthand about how ROAD iD makes a real difference in real peoples’ lives.
Two Hikers Found Me After I Passed Out
This past summer, my Road ID literally saved my life. I was in Northern Michigan, taking care of my father who was dying from melanoma. I'm a marathon runner, but lately I was not training proper...
I Totaled My TT Bike On A 'Test' Ride!!
I bought my Road ID over year ago and have worn it on every ride...except the one time when I really needed it. Here's what happened: I was at the bike shop getting my time trial bike adjusted to...
Thanks to My ROAD iD, the EMT Called My Husband
I am a member of the Impala Racing Team in San Francisco. I recently ran the Kaiser Half Marathon race in San Francisco. Unfortunately, I collapsed at the 12 mile marker. Somehow I made my way to ...
My ROAD iD Provided Immediate Identification!
I have been wearing a Road ID Interactive on my ankle when cycling, running and swimming for about a year. It paid off recently when I was hit by a truck while cycling. My clothes and bike were e...
The Only ID I Had Was My ROAD iD
I was returning from a thirty mile bike ride, at dusk. I was only two blocks from home. Heading west bound, an east bound car made a left hand turn, broad siding me. I was unconscious for over 20...
Who Is Going to Speak for You If You Can't?
Moments are precious when your life is on the line! From experience, I know that a Road ID is the best gift you will ever give yourself and your family members. Not long ago, I was training with ...
One More Chance-Thank You ROAD iD!
July 27th is a day that will remain with me forever. I was training for an upcoming century that morning and set out with a friend to do a 48 miler. 18 miles into the trip things went very wrong. W...
My ROAD iD Did Its Job!
I got my Road ID late last year, and I have worn it on almost all of my workouts and back country activities since. Good thing, too. On February 9, I had a serious bicycle accident in the boondocks...
My Brother Was Returned Home Safely...
Earlier this year, my mom, dad, and brother were visiting me from out of town. My brother is 25 and has Down Syndrome. He is verbal but can be quite hard to understand at times. In the middle of th...
He Knew Who I Was Because of My Husband’s ROAD iD
"Kelly, this is Adrian. I'm with Mike who got into a minor bike accident. Please call me."
That’s a text message I received this weekend in San Francisco.
I don't know Adrian, and will likely never...
I’m a Professional Cyclist, and I Used My ROAD iD
I was on the 2nd stage of the Cascade Cycling Classic when a bike crash occurred on a downhill decent, causing another rider to lose control right in front of me. I flew through the air and landed ...
All I Could Do Was Point to My ROAD iD…
As an avid cyclist and outdoor life enthusiast, I have come across many urgent situations... but none like last Thursday. I was stung by a bee while riding my bike. I have a severe bee allergy, and...
I Know ROAD iD Will Speak for Me When I Am Unable
Let me start off by stating that I think your product is awesome. In my line of work as a First Responder, Road iD is an excellent tool for the communities we serve day in and day out. As for me, I...
My ID Told the Emts Everything They Needed to Know
I am coming up on two months since my accident, and I want to take the time to say thank you to those at Road iD. I am a 65 year old, retired, third year cyclist with a few centuries under my belt....
He Flew over the Handle Bars into the Road
My boyfriend, a triathlete, was on a bike ride when a motorhome made an illegal left turn in front of him. Douglas was traveling downhill between 35-45 mph. He is a good bike handler and was able t...
Four Different EMTs Used My ROAD iD
I recently passed out while participating in the Tinsel Triathlon in Hemet, CA. I eventually came to, and while I could speak, it was just so much easier to point to my Road iD which had all my in...
I Wasn't Alone...My Road Id Was with Me
I'd like to thank you Road iD, for speaking for me when I could not. About a month ago I was riding my road bike northbound on an open two lane road, when a car- traveling southbound- didn't see me...
My ID Had All the Info They Needed
At 44 years old, and in the best shape of my life, I never saw the seizure coming. It was any other ordinary morning at work, with my bicycle down the hall, prepped for the daily lunch ride with th...
My Wife Knew Exactly Where I Was
This past Memorial Day, I went on what was scheduled to be a 20-30 mile ride. About a mile in, I had a crash. From what I remember, I was riding, and the next thing I know...
Paramedics Accessed My ROAD iD
This past year, I was participating in the Marin Century with my son and grandson. About halfway through the ride, I was cut off by another cyclist and went down hard.