Read firsthand about how ROAD iD makes a real difference in real peoples’ lives.
I'm so Glad I Had My ROAD iD on My Wrist
I love my ROAD iD. It was extremely helpful recently when I participated in the Savannah Susan G. Komen race. Just after the finish line I was accidentally tripped. I went down hard in a face plant...
My ROAD iD Saved My Life After Two Bee Stings!
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you. My Road iD has saved my life TWICE in the past four days! I am highly allergic to bee stings, and unfortunately, I have been stung twice while at w...
When I Came to at the Hospital, All Was in Order
I purchased my Interactive Road iD earlier this year before embarking on vacation travel. I knew I'd be taking some solo rides in unfamiliar territory. I valued the fact I could update my online pr...
I Never Take off My ROAD iD!
Earlier this year, I was out trail running with my friend and I suffered from a pulmonary embolism. Four blood clots were found - one in the lung - I suffered severe kidney and oxygen failure. I wa...

How I Found Out I Had Type 1 Diabetes
I decided to get a medical identification bracelet when I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes awhile back. Being an Athletic Trainer, I knew the importance of these bracelets. After much research, I...
My ID Told the Emts Everything They Needed to Know
I am coming up on two months since my accident, and I want to take the time to say thank you to those at Road iD. I am a 65 year old, retired, third year cyclist with a few centuries under my belt....
I Got Quick Medical Access Thanks to My ID
I've been wearing a ROAD iD for years. It kept me company as I traveled the world alone...I've worn it biking, swimming, hiking, backpacking, you name it. Interestingly, I needed my ROAD iD while ...
Everything They Needed Was on Her Id
When the half-marathon started at 6AM on the beach in northern Florida, I knew it was going to be a tough run due to the weather... it was hot and very humid. As a medical student at the University...
I Never Get on My Bike Without My ROAD iD
I have read many of your testimonials and I am a vocal advocate for ROAD iD every chance I get. My ROAD iD, along with my helmet, are two things that I NEVER get on my bike without, and I had hoped...
The Nurse Was Shocked by All the Info
Two weeks ago, I found myself in the Emergency Room with a raging infection in my elbow. One of the attendants immediately asked me for the medications I was currently taking.
My ID Had All the Info They Needed
At 44 years old, and in the best shape of my life, I never saw the seizure coming. It was any other ordinary morning at work, with my bicycle down the hall, prepped for the daily lunch ride with th...
Paramedics Accessed My ROAD iD
This past year, I was participating in the Marin Century with my son and grandson. About halfway through the ride, I was cut off by another cyclist and went down hard.