The doctor praised my Road ID!

My story begins on a beautiful sunny day on a road I had ridden a hundred times before.  Midway through, on a descent at 30mph, a school bus ran a stop sign right in front of me.
My story begins on a beautiful sunny day on a road I had ridden a hundred times before.  Midway through, on a descent at 30mph, a school bus ran a stop sign right in front of me.  I tried to take evasive action, but ended up hitting the bus by the rear wheels, catapulting me into oncoming traffic.

I ended up with a long listof injuries which included a concussion, collapsed lung, sternal fractures, separated shoulder, broken collar bone, 3 broken ribs, shattered hand and teeth, my face opened up from my eyebrow to my top lip, and multiple other contusions.

I was, of course, wearing my Road ID.  The ambulance driver took me to the trauma center where the surgeon noticed my Road ID.  The first thing I remember after waking is him telling me that wearing my Road ID was the smartest thing I did that day. It helped them greatly.

Anyway, I just wanted to take the time to thank you for saving my life.

- Scott .Z from Larkspur, CA