I have been riding my bike in the beautiful hills of Meeman Shelby Forest State Park in Millington, TN for several years, always wearing my Road ID. I was recently heading down a hill at about 30 mph, and at the bottom was a familiar wooden bridge. I jumped the lip with my front wheel, but the when the rear tire hit the lip, itblew with such force that the tire jammed the brake assembly. The bike essentially stopped, and I was launched through the air. I hit the pavement, breaking 5 ribs, my sternum, shoulder blade, separating my AC joint, and bruising a lung. It was ugly. When I came to, I found my cell phone, but it had no reception. Within moments, I heard a vehicle coming down the hill. A local ranger immediately went into action, calling for help and beginning first aid. When the EMTs arrived, they immediately saw my Road ID, which allowed them to call my wife.
We have since moved to Connecticut, and I have ordered new Road IDs for my entire family. My first Road ID sits in a drawer I open every day.
Thank you for the good work you guys do. It has truly made a difference to me and my family.
- Mike .G from New Canaan, CT