Thankfully, I got a Road ID as a birthday gift!

recently, i broke my left collar bone in a bicycle accident.  bear with me for i am typing with one hand and using all lower case characters as i am still in the recovery stage.
recently, i broke my left collar bone in a bicycle accident.  bear with me for i am typing with one hand and using all lower case characters as i am still in the recovery stage.  my brother gave me a road id last year for my birthday. it was the best investment he could have made.  the night of the crash, i was going downhill at approximately 25 mph, with about 20 other riders.  i hit a patch of sandy gravel and went down hard. my cycling buddies and the ambulance crew got all my important information from the road id i was wearing on my wrist!

i was a believer of road id before my accident...and this experience only sealed my belief in the importance of wearing a helmet and a road id.   i have logged in 2400 miles this year and while you never want to think about crashing, but the reality is that it happens. anyone who rides should always wear this essential piece of gear.

- Angela .B from Rochester, MN