You know how some people bolt out of the room or dive behind the sofa as soon as someone pulls out a camera?
I’ve never been that guy.
Truth be told, I kinda like the camera. In fact, in high school, a buddy and I had an ongoing yearbook photo contest. The winner was the person who was pictured most in the yearbook. I may or may not have posed for some school club photos that I was not a member of.
And, for some ridiculous reason, I tend to make some really stupid faces for the camera…like this poorly-executed, wannabe blue steel face…

As Co-founder, CEO (and a guy who likes to ham it up on camera), I also tend to “star in” many of our ROAD iD videos. Just a few days ago, we had a “shoot day” where the goal was to capture a few videos for our new website (shhhhhh - nobody's supposed to know that we’re launching a new site).
Here’s a behind the scenes photo from the day:

So, what’s my point?
Most outsiders would call me “The Face of the Brand.” This title, however, makes me uncomfortable. I’m simply the hyper-passionate co-founder that likes being on camera. That doesn’t make me the “Face of the Brand.”
No, the “Face of the Brand” title belongs to YOU, our customer.
YOU are why we do what we do. YOU are why we wake up every morning with passionate enthusiasm. YOU are who we’re thinking about when we explore new products. YOU are who we think about with virtually every decision we make. The ability to have a positive impact in YOUR life is what’s most important to us.
So, it only stands to reason that YOU are the Face of the Brand.
Which leads me to my request: What does the true Face of the ROAD iD Brand look like? Send me a picture of you rocking your ROAD iD and doing the things that make you who you are. I want to get a better idea of what our “collective face” looks like. Who knows, we may even be inspired to create a mural dedicated to ROAD iDers from around the globe someday.
P.S. An awesome new site is coming soon. Be sure to keep an eye on to check it out.