About one mile into the run, I started having a little trouble breathing and coughed a few times. Another 1/2 mile later I had a metallic taste in my mouth. I knew I was in serious trouble when my face started to go numb from my neck up. My tongue and lips started to swell and I could no longer breathe easily. My inhaler was useless.
Fortunately, my running partner was able to call for help. With the assistance of another team mate, I made it back to the starting area. By this time my tongue was so swollen I was not able to talk clearly. I was very scared as they rushed me off to the emergency room. My face was numb and I could hardly breathe or talk. Through tears, I tried to tell the triage nurse my name, DOB, emergency contact info...trying to decipher what I was saying slowed down the triage process and my admittance to the hospital.
I had an Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis (EIA), a severe allergic reaction while running. After blood work, it was determined I was allergic to buckwheat...one of the ingredients in the cereal I had eaten earlier that day.
I will never go out again without wearing my Road ID. Hopefully I will never need it. But if I do, I want first responders to know that I carry EpiPen and an Inhaler and I want them to know how to contact my family immediately.
- Misti .P from Fair Oaks, CA