The Supernova makes night running safe!

While running one night last summer I nearly collided with a bicyclist in my neighborhood. Neither I, nor the cyclist had any lights on. 

While running one night last summer I nearly collided with a bicyclist in my neighborhood. Neither I, nor the cyclist had any lights on. I had taken along a flashlight, but it was off at the time we nearly 'met'. I never saw or heard the cyclist until we were inches from a collision.

After this near miss, I ordered 2 of your Road ID Supernova lights. They are awesome. I've been a big fan of LED safety light for a long time. None of the other safety lights are nearly as good as the Supernova. Most are either too heavy to take running or are too dim to be effective. The Supernova is a great product that is well designed and works as advertised.

The Supernovas weigh less than one ounce and are comfortable on a waistband or even T-shirt collar. I clip one facing forward, one to the rear. The brightness was surprising. On my first run with them, I could see parked car's reflectors flashing back at me from a block away. They're very visible way beyond that. Motorists notice me much sooner than they used to. In fact, many of them turn on their brights to figure out what's flashing at them.

Thanks again for developing a lightweight, bright and durable runner's light. Note: I also wear my reflective WRIST ID when I run. I expect my Road ID to last a lifetime. Thanks for the great protection for runners and their families.

- Lex .S from Glen Allen, VA