I could have been a John Doe!

I was on a training ride in South Florida when a car ran a stop sign, cut me off and caused my bike and me to fly over the hood/roof of the car and into the middle of the road. I was unconscious for a few moments.
I was on a training ride in South Florida when a car ran a stop sign, cut me off and caused my bike and me to fly over the hood/roof of the car and into the middle of the road. I was unconscious for a few moments. I recall opening my eyes and not really knowing who or where I was. The driver stopped, as did two other cyclists who were passing by. No one knew who I was. Had I not regained consciousness, I could have easily been the "John Doe" you see on television crime dramas.

This time, I was very fortunate. Had I not regained my senses, I would have been a mystery no one could solve.

I love to train long distances. I try to run and ride as safely as possible but, unfortunately, the longer you're out there the more you're exposing yourself to situations that can result in accidents. There's no telling where these accidents will occur.

Hindsight is 20/20. I wish I would have had the Road ID that day and on other days when I've had close calls. Everyone in my family runs. I also own a running store. I now wear Road ID and I'm going to make sure everyone understands the importance of making the Road ID part of their training and racing kit.

- Lou .G from Fort Meyer, FL