My ID gave EMTs everything they needed!

I have been an avid cyclist for years. Recently, I saw an ad for Road ID in Bicycling magazine.
I have been an avid cyclist for years. Recently, I saw an ad for Road ID in Bicycling magazine. I started wearing the ANKLE ID about six months ago. I put my name, where I live, phone numbers, drug allergies, my medical condition and blood type on my ID. I didn't expect to ever need it, but I felt it was a good thing to have.

Recently, I was on a club ride in central Tucson with a large group of riders when I hit a rock in the road and went skidding out of control. Luckily I kept thinking to keep my head up and away from traffic.

I was very much disoriented from my injuries, which included a deep laceration of my left arm and a fractured right metacarpal bone. The EMT's were asking me medical questions and trying to ascertain the extent of my injuries. I was able to point to my ANKLE ID to give them the information they needed.

I was lucky that I was with a large group of friends. Having ID, however, saved them from trying to guess at what to tell the medical personnel, and saved me from giving them the wrong information while in severe pain and shock. I am back cycling again, and now have 2 Road ID's in case I lose one! I will never ride without my Road ID.

- Rosemary .C from Tucson, AZ