I did, however, take the passengers side mirror off with my left butt cheek. The bruise that it left was interesting to say the least. And, because I did hit the pavement on my backside - I suffered a mean case of road rash - having it there is something you have to experience to believe. But, I was riding again within a week.
Well, last August I was headed east on the same road - about a mile from where I was hit the first time. Again, I was hit from behind by a car doing 55. This time, I was flipped over the car - landing on the trunk deck. Again, the rescue squad was called - this time from the town just down the road - and yes - they knew it was me when the call came in. And again, I bounced really well. After many Xrays, poking, and prodding I was released with nothing more than bumps and bruises. Yes - I am lucky!!!!!!!!
The kicker here is that both times it was the same person - I am not kidding here - the same woman driving. I do not even know her. The chances of that are - well - I am a math teacher and to be honest, I don't think they have numbers we can understand that describe it.
Your product is an excellent idea.
- Joseph .W from Muscoda, WI