I was t-boned by a car and sustained significant breaks to my ribs, back, shoulder, and wrist. Upon arrival to the scene, emergency personnel asked if there were any family/friends they could contact for me. I merely had to point to my wrist and my brother on the East Coast was called within minutes.
Both the paramedics and Oregon State Police commented on how smart it was to be wearing a Road ID. There is no price that can be put on the value I received, knowing that my family and friends were immediately contacted and able to support me through my trauma care. The words "Thank you, Road ID" seem so insignificant, but could not be more sincere.
Please know that your company is not only successful as a business, but you’re making a real difference in people’s lives. What greater measure of success can there be?
From my family, my friends, and myself, thank you and God bless.
- Glen .F from Portland, OR