That afternoon, I was training for an upcoming AIDS Ride. At 1:00 pm I was struck by a car while riding my bike. I was transported by ambulance tothe trauma center at Fairfax Hospital. Since I had no identification with me, I was admitted to the hospital as "Delta Doe." Without ID, I was alone and unconscious in the hospital. Furthermore, the emergency staff could not pull any of my medical records.
The accident left me with numerous broken bones, a head injury, and a paralyzing spinal cord injury.
I thought I knew everything about cycling safety. I always wore my helmet, used hand signals, rode on the right side of the street, and followed the rules of the road. It took this tragic accident for me to learn one of the most critical safety lessons of all - the importance of wearing ID.
In my dreams, I still walk. I run, I play basketball, and I wear the uniform of the Alexandria Police Department. When the sun rises each morning, it brings reality with it. I rise to the sight of a wheelchair, yet I rise with the hope that maybe this will be the morning I can move my legs."
UPDATE. Kris continues to need medical care and equipment. Her expenses have far exceeded her HMO. A race in Alexandria, Virginia called May Day 5K is held annually to help Kris meet her expenses. The event is sponsored by the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation and Girls in Training. To register and to learn more about this special race visit www.mayday5K.com
Your support in helping Kris and raising consciousness to the plight of all spinal cord patients will be greatly appreciated. Kris is a fighter and will never give up. If you would like to contact Kris, a special fund has been set up called "Kops for Kris," C/O Jim Clark, PO Box 19888, Alexandria, VA 22320
- Kris .G from Centreville, VA