As a hardcore road racer, I wasn't really prepared for a big mountain bike race this past summer, but I decided to go for it anyway. The first part of the race was a long downhill, and when I hit the dip at the bottom of the hill, another rider hit my back wheel and sent me flying. I don't remember what happened after that.The entire left side of my body was ripped up pretty bad. One of the riders stayed with me and used my Road ID to call my Dad. My ID suffered serious scratches as well, but it was still able to get me the help I needed.
Since the crash, I haven't taken my Road ID off…I feel a lot safer no matter where I am. My best friend is now wearing one as well. I got him into cycling a few years back and gave him a Road ID as a Christmas gift. Love the product.
You guys have a customer for life!
- Marco .C from Denver, CO