This past May, while out for a ride, I got hit by a fellow cyclist and broke my ankle. The First Responders were the first to use my Road ID, then it was the triage nurse, and then the doctors. All of them, without exception, said it was great, and that they were impressed with all the information they had access to in lessthan a minute. They raved about it! I was conscious, but it was really nice when I was in pain to not have to worry about reciting all my information. In the end, I got treated MUCH faster because of my Road ID.
I ordered my Road ID for cycling, but I now wear it when I go hiking, skiing, or snowshoeing -- anything at all, really. I usually have people with me and they know who I am, but they do not know my personal medical information. While I hope I never have to use it again, it is a comfort to know that if anything were to happen, there will be no wasted time accessing my information, and, of course, if I cannot speak for myself, my Road ID will do it for me!
- Danielle .L from Courtice, ON