The next thing I vividly remember was asking a paramedic if I was dreaming, and how fast were we going. I suffered 2 broken ribs, bruised clavicles, sprained elbow and knee, as well as cuts, scraps, contusions, bruises, the worst ever case of road rash, and a concussion that made my memory of the weeks surrounding the accident all but erased, including many days following the accident.
I had no form of ID on me, so EMT’s could not get in touch with my mother until I regained consciousness. I try to find a plus side to all things, and this experience had two. One, I made my riding club’s monthly e-mail top story and two, I realize how important ID can be, and I now have the security of knowing if it ever happens again, Road ID has my back.
I still ride for hours every day, and recently have taken up running as well. I have returned to racing, and also run on my school’s Varsity Cross Country and Track team. I do none of this without having my Road ID strapped to my ankle at all times.
- John .F from Catskill, NY