Thinking that I was indestructible, I ran for many, many years without identification. I finally felt the need for ID on training runs after I heard that my mentor, Jim Fixx, collapsed on a run in New Hampshire - no one knew who he was or where he was staying. I put an outdated driver's license in an ID holder and clipped it to my shorts. When that kept falling off, I decided to use a dog tag on my shoe.... literally, a tag for a dog. I would send a box top to a dog biscuit company with my request. The tag that I received would read, "My name is Bob. I belong to Robert Dolphin (address etc.)" That's all past history now that I've found Road ID. Their ID bracelet is the best one that I've found, and I have worn mine on my left wrist constantly for over two years. I proudly show it off to admirers and encourage them to order one. I wore it for the YAKIMA RIVER CANYON MARATHON. Thanks for such a wonderful product.
- Bob .D from Yakima, WA
- Bob .D from Yakima, WA