I am not a marathoner, triathlete or much of a runner.

I don't have an amazing story about how ROAD ID saved my life but I do have reinforcing story of the importance of having one at all times and keeping it UPDATED. It can happen to any of us at any time.

I don't have an amazing story about how ROAD ID saved my life but I do have reinforcing story of the importance of having one at all times and keeping it UPDATED. It can happen to any of us at any time.

I am not a marathoner, triathlete or much of a runner. In 2017 I was a 57 year old guy trying to live through some intense upheavals in my life Ð the ending of a 30+ year marriage, living alone again, a stressful job. I'd been a recreational trail and road runner for 15 years and had a ROAD ID for about 10 years.

In 2016 I had met someone from back in my college days and shes been a widow for 18 years. The story she told me had a profound effect on me. Her husband had been out for a run on his lunch hour and his heart had stopped. He had no ID on him and was taken to a local hospital. She was at home recovering from a surgery when the daycare called her to pick up the kids at the end of the day Ð her husband was supposed to get the boys - 3 and 5 years old. She eventually called ERs around the city until she found him. He survived a few months before passing away.

Hearing her story urged me to a) update my ROAD ID with new emergency contacts and my new address and b) always make sure my shoes had my ROAD ID on them when out for a run. In September 2017, I was out for a run and had my own heart attack. I managed to make it home safely and seek medical attention. I was fortunate to receive a stent and with some Cardiac Rehab I am back running again - safely and with my updated ROAD ID.

Have a great day!

- John