sitting woman using inhaler

4 Ways to Manage Asthma with a Medical Alert Bracelet

Asthma can be difficult to manage, no matter how long you’ve been living with it. As much as you prepare, something can still happen, such as having a mild asthma attack and realizing you forgot your inhaler in your car. 

Medical alert bracelets are an excellent line of defense. When worn, an asthma medical alert bracelet informs strangers, passersby, medical professionals, and first responders of your medical conditions. In the event that you have an asthma flare up in public, an asthma medical ID bracelet can tell others what’s happening, allowing them to act accordingly to protect you. 

Here’s just a few ways that an asthma medical ID bracelet can help you manage your asthma while on the go:

1. Carry your medical information everywhere you go

First and foremost, the best way to keep yourself safe is to ensure you have the essentials on you at all times. For personal gear, that involves keeping your inhaler nearby at all times. But that doesn’t have to mean that it’s the be-all end-all. 

One of the best things you can carry with you is a Medical ID bracelet. Easily worn around your wrist, an ID bracelet — also known as an asthma medical ID bracelet — makes it easy to bring your most relevant medical information with you wherever you go. 

You can engrave your most pertinent information on our asthma medical bracelet, such as: 

  • Your name
  • The fact you have asthma 
  • Any allergies
  • An emergency contact name and number 
  • Asthma medications you take and others that should be avoided
  • Where you commonly store your inhaler

     2. Inform others about your condition

    As mentioned above, the best way to manage your asthma when out in public is by alerting others of your medical condition through asthma bracelets. A brightly-colored asthma medical ID bracelet will capture the attention of strangers, and it’s something they’ll either ask more about or will make note of. 

    Moreover, the asthma medical ID bracelet makes the conversation about your allergies and asthma easier. Rather than feeling as if you have to force the conversation on others, you can bring it up with ease, showing them your bracelet at the same time.

    group of adults hiking together

    Source: Lucky Business/Shutterstock

    Shop for Your Medical Alert Bracelet!

    3. Let bystanders know you use an inhaler

    Another way to better manage your asthma is to inform others that you carry an inhaler using your medical IDs. A medical alert bracelet can clearly state that you carry an inhaler. If you still want to wear a medical ID that clearly states your personal information, emergency contact information and more, you can do that. You can wear a piece of medical alert jewelry that can only be engraved with the word “INHALER.” 

    That would clearly inform any stranger or EMS personnel that you use an inhaler and carry one on you. Knowing that information can be lifesaving in the face of a medical emergency, as they’d otherwise be grasping at straws trying to determine what is happening to you. 

    4. Receive help if anything were to happen

    In the event of a medical emergency, you should be prepared to act. In the event that you can’t, it would be beneficial to have something so others can help when you can’t do so yourself. A medical alert bracelet ensures that you have relevant information that strangers and medical personnel can consult. 

    Your best bet is to travel with others who can keep you company. Others in your company can keep an eye on symptoms and act when necessary. Otherwise, you need to ensure that you carry your medical information on you to maintain a barrier of protection. 

    boy using inhaler outdoors

    Source: Lopolo/Shutterstock

    Stay safe in the event of an asthma attack 

    Living with asthma brings its own special challenges, but medical alert bracelets can keep you safe even during an asthmatic episode. By carrying your medical information with you, you can inform fellow strangers and EMS officials of your condition and receive help, if needed.