He passed out just before the finish

I'm purchasing my Road ID as a result of a very scary, recent incident. My husband and I were running the same half marathon. He was about 10 minutes behind me and passed out just before finishing. He was taken off the course and taken directly to a local hospital for severe dehydration.
I'm purchasing my Road ID as a result of a very scary, recent incident. My husband and I were running the same half marathon. He was about 10 minutes behind me and passed out just before finishing. He was taken off the course and taken directly to a local hospital for severe dehydration. Initially he couldn't remember simple things -- like phone numbers! There was no notification to the primary medical tent that he was taken off the course. As a result it took more than two extremely stressful hours to locate him. Thankfully he is fine now, but that definitely made me aware of how important proper identification is -- as well as good hydration. We will definitely be wearing our ID's during out next!

- Erin .B from Pleasant Hill, CA